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Qr code generator without scan limit

Generate Qr codes for life without scanning limits or ads, easy, customizable and traceable in one click.

QR templates
You get 16 built-in QR code templates to get you started right away.
Barcode generator
Generate & customize barcodes with ease in seconds.
Dynamic QR Codes
Dynamic Qr codes allow you to modify the destination link at any time, even once the QR code has been printed.
Unlimited scanning
Rqrcode does not impose any scanning limitation, your QR codes can be scanned as many times and for life, whatever your package.
Account sharing
Invite users to use your account, create teams, configure the permissions you then want to grant to users...
QR Codes Statistics
Generate dynamic QR code linked to access scan statistics, including dates, performance, entries, countries, cities, sources, and devices.

What is a QR code?

A QR code (an initialism for quick response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) invented in 1994 by the Japanese automotive company Denso Wave. In practice, QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier, or tracker that points to a website or application. Learn more

How does it work?

A QR Code is read by a smartphone equipped with a camera and having an application able of decoding it. Concretely, all you have to do is point the phone's camera at the QR code. On Rqrcode it is possible to generate any type of QRcode;

  • Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, twitter...
  • Website link, Paypal, Cryptocurrency
  • Wifi, Event, Digital Business Card, Zoom

How to create a Dynamic QR code?

First create a shortcut link from your account, then create a QR code with Link and integrate this shortcut link into the Qr code, all future modifications will be made from the dedicated shortcut link without modifying the Qr code. You will have access to the options below:

  • Advanced scan statistics
  • Change URL destination dynamically
  • Scheduling, expiration limits, A/B Rotation
  • Password protection
  • Country, device & language re-targeting

Your qr codes will always be there 🔒

Here the Qr codes never expire unless you want to and they can be scanned as many times for life.
Create your free account to unlock more features
in order to allow you to store, manage, and track the statistics
of your QR codes at the same time.

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